Video representation learning has been successful in video-text pre-training for zero-shot transfer, where each sentence is trained to be close to the paired video clips in a common feature space. For long videos, given a paragraph of description where the sentences describe different segments of the video, by matching all sentence-clip pairs, the paragraph and the full video are aligned implicitly. However, such unit-level similarity measure may ignore the global temporal context over a long time span, which inevitably limits the generalization ability. In this paper, we propose a contrastive learning framework TempCLR to compare the full video and the paragraph explicitly. As the video/paragraph is formulated as a sequence of clips/sentences, under the constraint of their temporal order, we use dynamic time warping to compute the minimum cumulative cost over sentence-clip pairs as the sequence-level distance. To explore the temporal dynamics, we break the consistency of temporal order by shuffling the video clips or sentences according to the temporal granularity. In this way, we obtain the representations for clips/sentences, which perceive the temporal information and thus facilitate the sequence alignment. In addition to pre-training on the video and paragraph, our approach can also generalize on the matching between different video instances. We evaluate our approach on video retrieval, action step localization, and few-shot action recognition, and achieve consistent performance gain over all three tasks. Detailed ablation studies are provided to justify the approach design.
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Image super-resolution is a common task on mobile and IoT devices, where one often needs to upscale and enhance low-resolution images and video frames. While numerous solutions have been proposed for this problem in the past, they are usually not compatible with low-power mobile NPUs having many computational and memory constraints. In this Mobile AI challenge, we address this problem and propose the participants to design an efficient quantized image super-resolution solution that can demonstrate a real-time performance on mobile NPUs. The participants were provided with the DIV2K dataset and trained INT8 models to do a high-quality 3X image upscaling. The runtime of all models was evaluated on the Synaptics VS680 Smart Home board with a dedicated edge NPU capable of accelerating quantized neural networks. All proposed solutions are fully compatible with the above NPU, demonstrating an up to 60 FPS rate when reconstructing Full HD resolution images. A detailed description of all models developed in the challenge is provided in this paper.
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We study the classical Network Revenue Management (NRM) problem with accept/reject decisions and $T$ IID arrivals. We consider a distributional form where each arrival must fall under a finite number of possible categories, each with a deterministic resource consumption vector, but a random value distributed continuously over an interval. We develop an online algorithm that achieves $O(\log^2 T)$ regret under this model, with no further assumptions. We develop another online algorithm that achieves an improved $O(\log T)$ regret, with only a second-order growth assumption. To our knowledge, these are the first results achieving logarithmic-level regret in a continuous-distribution NRM model without further "non-degeneracy" assumptions. Our results are achieved via new techniques including: a new method of bounding myopic regret, a "semi-fluid" relaxation of the offline allocation, and an improved bound on the "dual convergence".
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我们提出了一种新的表结构识别方法(TSR)方法,称为TSRFormer,以稳健地识别来自各种表图像的几何变形的复杂表的结构。与以前的方法不同,我们将表分离线预测作为线回归问题,而不是图像分割问题,并提出了一种新的两阶段基于基于DETR的分离器预测方法,称为\ textbf {sep} arator \ textbf {re} re} tr} ansformer(sepretr),直接预测与表图像的分离线。为了使两阶段的DETR框架有效地有效地在分离线预测任务上工作,我们提出了两个改进:1)一种先前增强的匹配策略,以解决慢速收敛问题的detr; 2)直接来自高分辨率卷积特征图的样本特征的新的交叉注意模块,以便以低计算成本实现高定位精度。在分离线预测之后,使用简单的基于关系网络的单元格合并模块来恢复跨越单元。借助这些新技术,我们的TSRFormer在包括SCITSR,PubTabnet和WTW在内的多个基准数据集上实现了最先进的性能。此外,我们已经验证了使用复杂的结构,无边界的单元,大空间,空的或跨越的单元格以及在更具挑战性的现实世界内部数据集中扭曲甚至弯曲的形状的桌子的鲁棒性。
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在临床实践中,由于存储成本和隐私限制,通常需要进行分割网络在多个站点而不是合并集的顺序数据流上不断学习。但是,在持续学习过程中,现有方法通常在以前的网站上的网络记忆性或看不见的站点上的概括性中受到限制。本文旨在解决同步记忆性和概括性(SMG)的挑战性问题,并使用新颖的SMG学习框架同时提高以前和看不见的地点的性能。首先,我们提出一个同步梯度对准(SGA)目标,\ emph {不仅}通过对先前站点(称为重播缓冲区)的小型示例进行协调优化,从而促进网络的记忆力,\ emph {but emph {又增强了}的增强。通过促进模拟域移位下的现场不变性来概括。其次,为了简化SGA目标的优化,我们设计了一种双META算法,该算法将SGA目标近似为双元目标,以优化,而无需昂贵的计算开销。第三,为了有效的排练,我们全面考虑了重播缓冲区,以考虑额外的地点多样性以降低冗余。从六个机构中依次获得的前列腺MRI数据实验表明,我们的方法可以同时获得更高的记忆性和对最先进方法的可推广性。代码可在上找到。
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很少有射击对象检测(FSOD),目的是使用很少的培训示例来检测新颖的对象,最近对社区引起了极大的研究兴趣。基于度量学习的方法已证明使用基于两分支的暹罗网络对此任务有效,并计算图像区域之间的相似性和几乎没有射击示例以进行检测。但是,在以前的工作中,两个分支之间的相互作用仅在检测头中受到限制,而将其余数百个层留在单独的特征提取中。受到有关视觉变压器和视觉变压器的最新工作的启发,我们通过将交叉转换器纳入功能骨干和检测头中,提出了一种新颖的FSOD基于跨变速器的模型(FCT)。提出了不对称批次的交叉注意,以从不同批次大小的两个分支中汇总关键信息。我们的模型可以通过引入多级交互来改善两个分支之间的几个相似性学习。对Pascal VOC和MSCOCO FSOD基准测试的全面实验证明了我们模型的有效性。
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少量对象检测(FSOD)旨在使用少数示例来检测从未见过的对象。通过学习如何在查询图像和少量拍摄类示例之间进行匹配,因此可以通过学习如何匹配来实现最近的改进,使得学习模型可以概括为几滴新颖的类。然而,目前,大多数基于元学习的方法分别在查询图像区域(通常是提议)和新颖类之间执行成对匹配,因此无法考虑它们之间的多个关系。在本文中,我们使用异构图卷积网络提出了一种新颖的FSOD模型。通过具有三种不同类型的边缘的所有提议和类节点之间的有效消息,我们可以获得每个类的上下文感知提案功能和查询 - 自适应,多包子增强型原型表示,这可能有助于促进成对匹配和改进的最终决赛FSOD精度。广泛的实验结果表明,我们所提出的模型表示为QA的Qa-Netwet,优于不同拍摄和评估指标下的Pascal VOC和MSCOCO FSOD基准测试的当前最先进的方法。
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